
Measured strides in science: Engineering, science still male dominated

When the 2007 Nobel Prize winners in science were announced in October, it didn’t take a mathematical wizard to calculate the number of women who won the eminent prize in the field of science. Zero. Women and men might wonder: was the shutout because of gender discrimination or innate ability? “No one wants to be a sexist, but whether we like it or not we make assessments based on all kinds of factors, including gender,” said Carol McCord, assistant dean…

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Is justice blind?: Few women in Indiana are appointed to high judiciary posts

It is still unusual to have women presiding over a court of law-so much so that when three women judges heard cases together on Sept. 28 in the 5th District Court of Appeals in Richland County, Ohio, it made history and national news. Should it come as a surprise that the symbol for justice is a woman? “Well that is a symbol, but the reality is that it is still a male-dominated profession,” said Maria Pabón López, an associate professor…

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