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Is your company growing?

Indianapolis Business Journal is looking for the Indianapolis area’s fastest-growing companies.

Nominate a company for IBJ’s exclusive ranking of fastest-growing privately held companies. The top 25 will be featured at a breakfast on July 25 and their profiles featured in a special IBJ supplement in the July 26 issue.

Nomination Deadline: Thursday, May 2.

To ensure an accurate ranking, IBJ requires a letter from your independent, outside accountant verifying the accuracy of your information. Another option is to submit copies of the first page of your company’s federal tax returns for 2016, 2017 and 2018. The letter or tax returns must be included with this nomination. They must be in PDF or JPG format. Failure to provide verification will result in disqualification.

Questions? Email Terry Sowka at tsowka@ibj.com.

Revenue (Use complete figures)Number of FTE employees (full-time equivalent) Top executive (Company) OwnerPlease fill in only one “owner” category based on whether ownership is a person or another company. or(Person) Owner Additional Owner Range of after-tax profitability in 2018 (measured as a percentage of 2018 revenue) Submit