Letters: Three good reads

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I’d like to recognize great articles from the Aug. 30 edition.

First, your editorial on Hogsett nailed it/him [“Editorial: Hogsett should have done more sooner to protect city workers”]. He deserves to be held accountable, and his executive order is way too little and way too late. He should suspend himself for 30 days (and nights).

Second, Nate Feltman got it right on Brian Hicks [“Nate Feltman: Hicks commentary misses the mark”]. Sadly, Hicks is likely taking his cues from Sen. Mike Braun, another naysayer.

Third was Mitch Daniels’ column on colleges restoring their reputations [“Back to school special: How colleges can repair their reputations”]. My son is entering college next year, so I did a comparison between salaries and college tuition and room/board today versus my year entering college. Salaries have risen under 7%, while the cost of college has risen over 15%.

I’d love to see a scorecard that represents Daniels’ categories on cost, spending, DEI, non-leftist professors, academic rigor and holding trustees accountable.

I so appreciate IBJ’s efforts to keep us informed. Keep up the great work!

—J.R. Samples

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