
WINSTON: Indiana will contribute to Obama victory

On Nov. 6, all eyes will be on several battleground states. Unfortunately, the pundits will miss one of the most important states that will contribute to an Obama victory—Indiana. While some will debate whether the president will win Indiana (I still contend that he can), keep in mind that several Indiana-related items will play a role in the fall campaign and will have an impact in other parts of the country.

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WINSTON: Invest in young African-American males

I am the parent of a seventh-grader who looks forward to this school year with excitement, hope and a sense of optimism. Unfortunately, many of her peers do not share those thoughts. I am particularly concerned about African-American males.

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WINSTON: Focus on kitchen and boardroom tables

Many voters I talked with wanted to send a wakeup call to politicians of both parties that they should heed the words of Jim Carville to then-candidate Bill Clinton in 1992: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

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