Indianapolis Art Center names new president from within

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The Indianapolis Art Center has announced that it has filled the vacancy left by Carter Wolf, who announced his retirement as IAC president and executive director in Spring of 2014.

Patrick Flaherty, former director of exhibition at the IAC, will take over in September. The point person for the Center's largest fundraiser, the Broad Ripple Art Fair, Flaherty also served as volunteer vice president for Primary Colours.

In other Indy arts HR news, the Arts Council of Indianapolis has bumped up Shannon M. Linker to Vice President. Newcomers on board will be Director of Public Art Julia Muney Moore and Director of Marketing & Community Engagement Danielle M. Dove.

Moore is a familiar name in the Indianapolis arts world, having served as Director of Exhibitions and Artists Serves for the Indianapolis Art Center before joining Blackburn Architects as public art administrator. Dove was director of marketing for the Greer Companies in Lexington, KY.

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