
Indy route not part of high-speed rail funding application

The decision to sidetrack a 110-mph Chicago-Indianapolis-Cincinnati train hasn’t received any attention
locally. High-speed rail could someday become an economic development engine here, but it has
not gained as much attention here as improved highways or a commuter rail line from downtown to Noblesville.

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Transit isn’t just an expense; it’s an investment

The Metropolitan Development Commission gave Indianapolis area transportation planners the green light Nov. 12 to do an expedited
study that would show locations, cost and potential ridership for mass transit routes region-wide.

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Leaders analyze Denver’s commuter transit

 Sixty Indianapolis-area business and civic leaders visited Denver Oct. 19-21 as
part of the Greater Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce 2008 Leadership Exchange and paid close attention to public transportation, especially commuter trains.

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Rising fuel costs may mean comeback for freight trains

Spiking diesel fuel prices have deflated trucking stocks and made road kill out of many a small motor carrier. It’s sweet
irony for anyone who’s worn a pinstriped cotton cap to work. The rising price of diesel is poised to invigorate a mode of
transportation that trucks nearly annihilated–the 40 freight railroads crisscrossing the state.

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Test run of commuter rail could be relatively cheap

Planners and politicians spent the better part of a decade and untold millions of dollars studying a mass transit system between
downtown and the suburbs. They have little to show for it except mounds of reports and an estimate of $690 million, but the
boys in bib overalls at the Indiana Transportation Museum think they can get it done for much less.

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