
EDITORIAL: City’s parking plan needs work

Mayor Greg Ballard strikes us as someone who puts pragmatism over politics. That’s why we’re hopeful he’ll reconsider details of the controversial plan to turn over the city’s metered parking to a private vendor.

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EDITORIAL: Revive 21st Century Fund, boost entrepreneurship

One damper on Indiana’s entrepreneurial growth has been the shrinking of the 21st Century Research and Technology Fund, which has lost half its support because of state budget woes. As soon as state revenue permits, the state should bring this key program back to its funding level of $37 million a year, or boost it even higher.

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EDITORIAL: University research funding is on right path

Indiana’s public universities aren’t garnering enough research funding, and the research they’re conducting isn’t churning out high-paying jobs in quantities everyone would like, but Hoosiers shouldn’t be wringing their hands in despair.

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EDITORIAL: GM dispute deserves vote

It’s puzzling to us that leaders of the United
Auto Workers Local 23 are against members even casting a vote on the proposed takeover of GM’s Indianapolis metal-stamping plant by Illinois-based J.D.
Norman Industries.

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