
VIEWPOINT: CEOs, do you deserve your salaries?

An exaggerated share of the nation’s wealth is paid to CEOs of public companies, their minions and directors, through agreements
made inside boardrooms, by highly compensated individuals who commit shareholders’ money and are not subject to effective

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With pharma famine looming, Lilly relying on snack-size deals

Compared with some of his pharmaceutical CEO peers these days, John Lechleiter has his company on a diet. Instead of using a mega-merger to bulk up before the famine that patent expirations will bring on the industry next year,
Lechleiter has Eli Lilly and Co. burning management fat while looking for smaller companies to munch on.

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Are we victims of ‘group think’?

“Group think,” a powerful and controlling force, was present as the Capital Improvement Board built Lucas Oil Stadium and Eli Lilly and Co. developed and marketed Zyprexa.

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Lilly makes $6.5B acquisition

Eli Lilly and Co. CEO John Lechleiter played a game of pharmaceutical poker with former Lilly Chief Financial Officer Jim
Cornelius—and won.

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Despite sour economy, retail developers press on

Retail developers always have been an audacious breed. They spend millions to build shopping centers, confident that tenants will flock to fill the slots they didn’t prelease. To charge ahead these days takes more than the usual dose of intestinal fortitude. Everyone is nervous — from shoppers to lenders to retailers, many of which have […]

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Lilly taps hedge fund to cut research costs for Alzheimer’s drugs

Eli Lilly and Co.’s unorthodox efforts to develop new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease–if successful–could usher in
a new approach to drug development. The Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical company announced that a New York
hedge fund, TPG-Axon Capital, will invest up to $325 million to help cover the exorbitant development costs
of two experimental compounds to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

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Janitors want Lilly, WellPoint to push for better health benefits

Service Employees International Union Local 3 is backing local janitors as they restart contract negotiations April 16 with
five of the largest janitorial contractors in Indianapolis. SEIU now is taking direct aim at Lilly, health insurer WellPoint
Inc. and even some local hospitals, hoping they will pressure the janitorial contractors to come to terms.

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