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6 thoughts on “Suddenly, Twitter’s biggest stakeholder is Tesla’s Elon Musk

    1. The same person who once banned a journalist from buying one of his cars when he was criticized for a poorly run launch event is going to “fix” free speech. Sure.

      Because what Twitter needs is to be more like Gab and Parler and all those “unfiltered” sources.Turns out moderation is a good thing and it’s something any website is going to have to deal with.

      Most of Twitter’s problems could be simply solved by making people sign up with a credit card. Don’t even have to charge them…

    2. Free Speech is no problem Joe, as long as they are Libs like you. It’s the other side of the aisle that gets canceled. For the record, I agree Trump is a vile embarrassment, but oddly BLM still has their account.

    3. Liberal like me. Sure, Chuck. Keep telling yourself that I’m the problem, the guy who isn’t conservative enough.

      Conservatives loved the marketplace of ideas until their ideas were rejected by the same marketplace. Instead of listening to the market, you all yammer on about how “woke” everyone is and claiming you’re being censored by private companies and you should impose the First Amendment upon them.

      This is the issue with most all of you so-called conservatives – you don’t realize how far off the deep end you’ve gone. You’re in your echo chamber thinking that anyone who disagrees with anything, who isn’t 100% compliant, is disloyal and “liberal” and not “real Americans” anyway. News you don’t like is fake news. Election results you don’t like are rigged. Everything is not your fault. You’re like dealing with a teenager, it’s ponderous.

      You want Putin’s Russia because that’s what you think America once was way back in the 50’s… which is laughably inaccurate unless maybe you thought Joe McCarthy was on the right path.

  1. Joe, you cite RightWingWatch and MediaMatters on your arguments with people here. Seriously, that is no better than InfoWars in terms of hyperpartisan conspiracy mongering. (And yes, I am criticizing InfoWars for engaging in conspiracy mongering.) Let’s not pretend for a minute that you are some sort of centrist. Maybe you were at one point, but you clearly hate Trump with a virulent raging passion and have decided that ally with anyone and anything that shares that hatred. You’re as entrenched in your echo chamber as the people you like to flog.

    Like anyone with no self-awareness, every accusation you lob here can apply just as much to yourself. Second only to Wesley, are the among the most relentless embodiments of confirmation bias.

    1. Do you care to make a point or have you just resorted to the personal attacks?

      I mean, time was I actually thought Rush Limbaugh was a conservative commentator worth listening to and influencing my thinking … as opposed to a performer telling people what they wanted to hear.

      I also used to think media bias charts were useful. People change.

      By the way, “Lauren”, since we are going to take pot shots at people’s past, care to list any other nom de plume‘s you’ve used in the past?

      I thought Donald Trump was an awful candidate in 2015. He’s yet to prove me wrong. Everything he touches in his life eventually dies, and we can only hope that his version of the Republican Party collapses sooner rather than later and takes all the grifters and clowns and posers with it. Let them go live in Russia and enjoy their version of “American democracy”.

      Oh, and go on and define for me what a centrist, conservative, and far right conservatives are … along with notable examples.

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