PARKER: Hoosiers would quickly warm again to Hillary
If you’re a Democrat looking ahead to 2016, there’s only one name anyone wants to talk about: Hillary Clinton.
If you’re a Democrat looking ahead to 2016, there’s only one name anyone wants to talk about: Hillary Clinton.
Ultimately, I suspect all this presidential talk is much ado about nothing, but Daniels isn’t tamping down the speculation because it doesn’t hurt to be talked about.
I believe 2012 will usher in a cadre of strong Democratic candidates who will campaign on the solid, reasonable decision-making that took a country careening off the rails and put it squarely back on track.
You can’t successfully govern Indiana with a divide-and-conquer approach. We’re nice people, and we don’t like to be yelled at.
With Indiana’s high unemployment, the dismal state of our economy, and a $1 billion budget deficit, social issues should not be our biggest concern.