
Competition seeks ideas for Monument Circle

A competition that could influence the future look and use of Monument Circle was unveiled Wednesday morning by a partnership that includes the city of Indianapolis and the state of Indiana.

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Prosecutors seek another probe involving White

Two special prosecutors have asked the Indiana inspector general to investigate whether indicted Secretary of State Charlie White improperly accessed a report detailing evidence of alleged voter fraud against him.

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Statehouse out 2 days this week for Big 10 games

Leaders say the Indiana House will not try to convene this Thursday and Friday because the Big Ten Men's Basketball Tournament starting Thursday in Indianapolis means there's no hotel rooms for out-of-town lawmakers.

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Indiana House Democrats still refusing to work

An Indiana House Democrat threatened Monday to continue the caucus's ongoing boycott "as long as it takes" to get changes made to Republican-backed proposals, even if their absence shuts down state government.

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Indicted Indiana official resists calls to step down

Secretary of State Charlie White, the man whose job is to maintain the integrity of Indiana's elections, ignored mounting calls for him to step down or resign after his indictment Thursday on charges he broke the laws he's supposed to enforce.

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Bauer returns to Indy to meet with Bosma

The leader of House Democrats who left Indiana over bills they disagreed with has returned to the state and met with the Republican House speaker — but their talks ended with no agreement on ending the weeklong Statehouse standoff.

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Indiana private-school voucher bill faces changes

To win solid support for the bill from his own caucus, House Speaker Brian Bosma said Republicans are considering limiting the number of students who could receive vouchers and may further restrict qualifying income levels.

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Indiana overpays localities $610M over 3 years

State budget officials are seeking to recoup much of nearly $610 million overpaid to local governments in fiscal years 2009, 2010 and 2011 due to income tax revenue estimates thrown off by the lingering recession.

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