
Other states join Indiana in spurning grant program

About two dozen states are going back to Washington for another shot at billions in education grants under the “Race to the
Top” program, but at least nine others including Indiana are opting out of trying a second time.

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Adjunct instructors organize at IUPUI

Two problems come with prevalent use of adjunct instructors: a perception that adjuncts reduce the quality of instruction
and the adjuncts’ frustration with low levels of pay, security and benefits, and appreciation.

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State tries new plan to track students’ growth

Instead of focusing on standardized tests, the Indiana Growth Model will monitor individual students’ academic growth to measure
their progress and identify effective teaching methods, state public education officials say.

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Education by statistics

Inconceivable as it might sound, will the increasing focus on academic performance in public schools give private schools
a run for their money? It wouldn’t be the first time statistics upset an apple cart.

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