Township to revitalize abandoned cemetery, accept remains from Diamond Chain site

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Keystone Group announced late Wednesday that it plans to reinter any remains found at its 20-acre downtown worksite, which includes portions of four former cemeteries, at Mount Jackson Cemetery about three miles west of the property.

It’s a process that Keystone representatives say will honor the early Indianapolis settlers excavated from the former Diamond Chain manufacturing site at West Street and Kentucky Avenue. And it’s one the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office says will fund the revitalization of the cemetery, which was abandoned the 1960s, leaving it to the office to care for.

The company revealed late Wednesday that archaeologists have discovered 87 burial plots containing remains in the excavation of a six-acre portion of the site in what it is considering the first phase of construction of project that could now be in doubt. Keystone has been working to build an entertainment district on the east side of the White River anchored by a 20,000-seat soccer stadium for the Indy Eleven, but that stadium is now on hold as the Hogsett administration focuses on trying to land a Major League Soccer team with a different set of owners.

Keystone said it planned to use the historic Mount Jackson Cemetery for “reinterment and memorialization” of the remains found on the site before moving forward with “transformational riverfront development.” Many of those remains are thought to be of early Black residents of Indianapolis buried at Greenlawn Cemetery, although other cemeteries were located there as well.

Keystone Group said that archaeologists have discovered remains believed to be from 87 individuals during the excavation of a six-acre portion of the Diamond Chain site. This photo was taken of the site in February. (IBJ photo/Eric Learned)

The developer said the excavation procedures were approved by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. Keystone was also required to submit a reburial plan to the state agency.

Mount Jackson Cemetery, located at 210 N. Tibbs Ave., is an appropriate final resting place for the remains, according to a statement from the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office, because it “is also historically significant as a formerly segregated cemetery, which aligns it with the history of Greenlawn.”

In that statement, released Thursday, the Trustee’s Office wrote that remains moved from Greenlawn will be “nested” in Mount Jackson in a separate area with signage, landscaping and a memorial noting the history of Greenlawn and those buried there.

The cemetery was established in 1821 and is the final resting place for many early settlers to the area, veterans and ancestors from all walks of life, according to the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office. In the 1960s, a church associated with Mount Jackson Cemetery closed and the property was abandoned. Per Indiana law, the property has since been maintained by the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office.

Keystone will provide a financial boost to the cemetery in return for the reinterment efforts.

A Keystone spokesperson wouldn’t specify a dollar amount, but the release from the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office said Keystone will make “a significant investment” in the abandoned cemetery. That investment will allow for improvements to its grounds, the restoration of headstones, new signage, public art and to address other safety concerns. Additionally, the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office will create a perpetual fund to maintain the property using the money from Keystone’s purchase of the plots.

“We are honored to be considered as a final resting place for these ancestors,” Jeff Harris, director of communications for Wayne Township, said in a written statement. “Mount Jackson is a historically appropriate cemetery for these reinterments. With Keystone’s investment, we will not only provide a permanent and dignified final resting place for those from Greenlawn, but we will also restore Mount Jackson Cemetery and raise it up as a historical and cultural community asset.”

Keystone has said it plans to create memorials at the development site as well as the cemetery. It will also launch a website in the coming days to detail the history of the former burial grounds at the site.

The remains are being analyzed and catalogued by IUPUI anthropology professor Jeremy Wilson. Keystone contracted with Noblesville-based firm Weintraut and Associates for excavation efforts. Both parties are also employed by the city for the Henry Street Bridge project.

Not much is known about Mount Jackson Cemetery. Although it was officially established in 1821, research from former Wayne Township Trustee Ollie Baus in 1967 found that headstones bear death dates as early as the 1790s. Baus also wrote that the plot formerly held Little Eagle Baptist Church.

According to research by the late IUPUI researcher Paul Mullins, many patients from the Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane—now known by most as the former Central State Hospital—were buried in the grounds beginning around 1905.

Grave data from the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office shows that many names and birthdates of those buried are unclear or unknown.

The excavation process on the Diamond Chain site involved having archaeologists on site to identify possible signs of a grave. When signs of remains were identified, mechanical excavation within a 100-foot radius of the discovery paused and archaeologists performed controlled excavations. The same method was laid out by Hogsett administration officials last year for a one-acre parcel it owns at the site.

The city of Indianapolis has not yet revealed plans for reinterment of any remains found on its one-acre site, but has said these plans will be created with involvement from the community. Hogsett Administration Chief Deputy Mayor Dan Parker wrote Wednesday that the bridge site may contain up to 650 remains

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12 thoughts on “Township to revitalize abandoned cemetery, accept remains from Diamond Chain site

    1. I still don’t understand what the mayor’s plan is. He was at the groundbreaking of this project and now is just abandoning it. He is such a dunce.

    2. Or: the Mayor finally called the developer’s bluff regarding the developer’s obligation to fund 20% of the project. When this is all finished that’s where the ball will likely land.

      A win for taxpayers.

    3. No, he’s not and the comments below eloquently point this out. If anything, he’s behind the city at every step and playing a losing game right now.

      The city called his bluff. He was never going to get an MLS team and he certainly did not have the juice to push this over the line. Look at every move Keystone has announced, it is all defensive to try to keep their planned development in place. They got caught flat footed with the announcement and scrambled to find additional funding, scrambled to show viability, scrambled now to prove they can handle the graveyard issue.

      Why do we want a soccer stadium that is never going to hold something above minor leagues? The city wants another major league team, not a minor league team that helps sell another 1000 multifamily units.

  1. Oz is not the wizard. A way better option came along and the city is pursuing it. I’ve never been a fan of Hogsett but he has had the guts to make the right decision on this one. For sure there will be tough sledding but this will all work out in the long run.

  2. According to this, Hogsett & Co. are ‘on the hook’ for reinterment themselves with the bridge development. The pan calling the pot black.

    1. The city was always going to be responsible for reinterment of excavated remains on its site—it is no surprise and this has been mentioned in news articles for years.

      Why some people on this forum seem so keen to kneel before Ozedimir, a private real estate developer who has suckled off the public teat for years is beyond me.

      You do realize that like all the other developers, he comes with his hand out and directly or indirectly spends your tax money? Personally, I am tired of the whole lot of them getting tax breaks, low-interest loans, or outright cash grants for their private projects.

      Let them put in all of their own money (or seek private investors) or go to a commercial bank and take out a loan at current interest rates—without any help from the general public. And, if their project is not feasible that way, which they *always* claim it is, then *oh well,* it just doesn’t get built.

    2. Christopher B is correct. Indy taxpayers should be thanking the mayor for having the courage to stop what was becoming a bad deal – Oz wanted more City money. People need to set aside their Indy 11 fandom and recognize that Keystone’s bright, shiny proposal was really a mirage.

  3. Oz is playing more political games – buying off the Wayne Township Trustee’s office by promising to spruce up an existing cemetery with new signage and headstones. That’s pocket change when compared to the expenses at Greenlawn.

  4. This is going to be a massive amount of remains that this little cemetery probably can’t handle.

    Why not Crown Hill? Sounds like Keystone is cheaping out and buying off a politician rather than doing what’s right.

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