TRAVEL: In search of happiness in Scandinavia
Some people go for the sights. Frank Basile went for the insights.
Some people go for the sights. Frank Basile went for the insights.
I hope you’ll indulge me with a travel column to Indy’s own back yard.
New World Symphony’s mission is to prepare highly gifted graduates of distinguished music programs for leadership roles in orchestras and ensembles around the world.
I advised that anyone returning to the meeting late would have to sing to the group. I soon realized this isn’t a punishment in Nashville.
What U.S. city ranks fourth in population and No. 1 on the Forbes list of the fastest-growing economic powerhouses in the United States?
As we flew from Katmandu to Lhasa, the ancient holy city that serves as Tibet’s capital, we could see Mount Everest in the distance. It is as spectacular as you can imagine.
With Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2014 now in the rearview mirror, my thoughts turn to family and holiday travel—which for me don’t always overlap.
The Travelers’ Century Club is a not-for-profit club consisting of about 2,000 people from around the world who have traveled to 100 or more countries.
Tourism discoveries abound in Nashville, Dallas, New York City, and more. You just have to be open to them.
No matter what our plan, we are always flexible about modifying it if we come across some unexpected sight or event. Frequently the most interesting experiences are unplanned.
Each of the 59 parks is different and has its own unique setting and breathtaking beauty. I’ve tried to see as many as possible.
Each of the 59 parks is different and has its own unique setting and breathtaking beauty. I’ve tried to see as many as possible.
A beyond-high end car dealership? A mobster museum? On a recent trip to Sin City, I experienced another side of Vegas.
Hokey? Sure. But other cities could learn something about customer service from how this Missouri country mecca.
The Cuba we found was quite different from the Cuba of 1958, frequently portrayed in books and movies. Instead, of neon and casinos, we found crumbling buildings and functioning 1940s and 1950s American cars.
I have been remiss in not writing anything about a prime tourist destination—and my hometown—New Orleans. Correction time
Like most of our trips, the only reservations we made were for the flights.
As a professional speaker myself, I could appreciate his pacing and understated gestures.
Two Russian policemen approached me and asked to see my “papers.” After a cursory look, they escorted me into a small cinder block “interrogation” room, which could barely contain the three of us and my backpack.
The only information we had about my ancestral family on my father’s side was a baptismal certificate for my paternal grandmother. It said she was baptized in a town called Alia.