SWAYZE: Beyond symptoms to root causes
It hurts to watch crime escalate in Indianapolis, especially among African-American boys and girls.
It hurts to watch crime escalate in Indianapolis, especially among African-American boys and girls.
The details of the Kermit Gosnell trial in Pennsylvania are gruesome, yet they signal a warning to all states. Abortion is an industry, not just a political or religious issue.
One-sixth of our economy has a big question mark around it. It’s OK to call “it” Obamacare now, but we still don’t know what it is.
Now that Indiana is right-to-work, voters have given Gov.-elect Mike Pence a legislative escort through his Roadmap for Indiana. Super-majorities in the House and Senate will help him build on Gov. Daniels’ success to make Indiana a state that works.
The slogan “war on women” has gained traction in the election, but it is an old notion and a war that’s already been won.
War on women? The only one I see is the plight of the single mother suffering from broken commitments, her own poor choices, and an overwhelmed system poorly designed to serve her and her children.
As pressure mounts from states pushing back on federal decisions and mandates, representation by their congressional delegations becomes increasingly important.
Most in the political industry are continuing old-school tactics.
That is exactly what’s brought us debt, corruption and moral failure.
Voters want to turn back to this country’s founding principles of fiscal constraint and family values.
Right-to-work won’t move the needle as much as once thought because of the fizzle on the Dem side.
Don’t tell me that not having a job is an excuse for hitting someone.
No one should have to join a union if they don’t wish to and unions should respect that.
Run, Mitch, run across the finish line of your final session!
This will be the new policy battle extraordinaire: how to look objectively at the growing stack of research that marriage does, in face, matter.
Change is hard, for sure. But the stirring of citizens’ souls in this country is exciting. “Take it back!” I shout.
It is time we start to look at these issues as a whole: Broken families are costing us dearly in both dollars and struggling lives.
People are looking for accountability from elected officials these days—not just in Indiana but across the country.
This certainly isn’t about health care. Approximately 97 percent of abortions are done on healthy women with healthy babies.