NOVEMBER 3-9, 2014
Charles Venable inherited a shaky situation as the new CEO of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, including disappointing attendance figures and a penchant for overspending. In this week's issue, Lou Harry surveys Venable's first two years on the job as he has tried to right the ship. Also in this issue, Scott Olson notes new investments in the once-blighted Holy Cross neighborhood, and Kathleen McLaughlin shares the state's plans to create a bicentennial plaza by the Statehouse.
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IMA CEO’s quest: artistic flourishes, but on a budget
Charles Venable inherited two years ago a museum with an elevated stature in the world of art but disappointing attendance figures and a penchant for over-spending its endowment to make ends meet.
Read MoreChamber steps up microloan ambitions
A division of the Indy Chamber is applying to become a U.S. Small Business Administration-affiliated microlender, a move aimed at boosting its available capital and expanding its territory in a wide-open frontier of finance.
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Locally based Wine & Canvas grows to 48 locations nationwide
The husband-and-wife-owned Wine & Canvas has grown from two to 347 employees in just four years with profitability increasing at a double-digit clip, 48 locations coast to coast and plans for international expansion.
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Investments pick up in Holy Cross neighborhood
Decades-old barriers to development are beginning to fall in Holy Cross, attracting more residential and commercial construction.
Read MoreBicentennial plaza planned by Statehouse
With the future of a state-owned downtown parking lot in limbo, Indiana is looking to a smaller space on the west side of the capitol as the site of a public plaza to commemorate the 2016 bicentennial.
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Credit union views charter switch as path to growth
Financial Center Federal Credit Union is pursuing a state charter in hopes of becoming a bigger player in Indiana’s financial services sector, a move that echoes a recent national trend of credit unions opting for state charters over federal ones.
Read MoreChallenges mushroom for embattled HDG Mansur chief
After flying so high, HDG Mansur's Harold Garrison had a long way to fall, and he's taken quite a tumble.
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Anthem canceling 30,000 individual health policies for Hoosiers
The insurer will not let customers who renewed their pre-Obamacare plans late in 2013 do so again this year. But switching to Obamacare-compliant plans could cause some premiums to spike and provider choice to dwindle.
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Hoosier medical device companies look off shore
Slowing domestic growth pushes executives to brighter markets.
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EDITORIAL: Westfield officials didn’t play it straight
The public deserved better disclosure over indoor soccer facility.
Read MoreMORRIS: Another plea to vote
Our system only works if you take the time to learn about the candidates and cast your ballot.
Read MoreHUBBARD: Shrink Indianapolis Public Schools to save it
Just as Unigov can be seen as a daring step to re-imagine partisan politics, a similarly bold step is needed to envision Indianapolis Public Schools as Center Township Public Schools by shrinking the district to within the boundaries of Center Township.
Read MoreKENNEDY: Election season is almost over (whew)
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 4. (Why in the world do we hold elections on Tuesdays? Why not weekends? But I digress.)
Read MoreSkarbeck: Investment industry sees rise of the machines
The latest trend enabled by computers is “robo-advisers.” These computer-driven financial advisers are springing up to offer low-cost, automated portfolio management.
Read MoreHicks: Voters are massing to fight bad government
The meme of the 2016 election is becoming clear. For the Democrats, the leftward pull of Elizabeth Warren will exert great influence. For the GOP, the coming two years offer a chance to lay out a pragmatic opposition to the last decade in economic, social and foreign policy.
Read MoreRACE: Much at stake in handling of tear-downs, infill housing
The houses in our older neighborhoods can work to the city’s advantage; let’s not destroy them.
Read MoreHicks should stick to economic analysis
Mike Hicks’ [Oct. 27] column, despite the label of “economic analysis,” contained no discernible economic analysis and displayed a total failure in understanding real risk.
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Clark Appliance files Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
In a letter to customers, company president Bob Clark said he has no intention of closing the 100-year-old business and is working to finalize a deal for financing to continue operating.
Read MoreBallard unveils $32M plan to rent electric-vehicle fleet
Mayor Greg Ballard announced Tuesday morning a plan to replace gas-powered cars in the city’s fleet with 425 all-electric and hybrid vehicles by 2016. Indianapolis is the vendor’s first customer.
Read MoreEli Lilly donates $12.7 million to United Way
The donation represents the giving of employees and retirees of Lilly and Elanco Animal Health in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, plus a matching contribution from the Lilly Foundation.
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