Developer unveils expanded plans for Lafayette Square after initial idea stalls
Fabio De la Cruz said if his vision is realized and partners participate as he expects, the total investment in the area could reach $700 million to $1 billion.
Fabio De la Cruz said if his vision is realized and partners participate as he expects, the total investment in the area could reach $700 million to $1 billion.
Renovations to the former Georgetown 14 Cinema are expected to cost $15 million as part of an operating agreement the dine-in theater chain has reached with building owner Fabio de la Cruz.
The shopping center at 3919 Lafayette Road, now known as Window to the World, was expected to reopen on Nov. 21, ahead of Thanksgiving weekend shopping.
Owner Fabio de la Cruz said said the investment is only the start of what’s expected to be at least a $200 million project through his firm Sojos Capital LLC.
Improvements are already evident in the mall with promises of more to come.
Sojos Capital said it has already begun multiple upgrades to the property, including replacing the roof, changing HVAC units, interior and exterior painting, and additional security enhancements.
The city on Wednesday confirmed it has received an incentive application from Sojos Capital LLC for tax-increment financing but declined to provide additional details.
Fabio de la Cruz has a plan to transform Lafayette Square Mall and several adjacent properties into a multicultural hub, including a concert center, movie theater, hotel and multifamily housing.
Plans for the shopping center property call for a new name and multiple new uses, including apartments, hotel, sports facilities, concert center, a police station and a public trail and canal.
The mall’s proposed sale is considered by industry experts to be welcome news for a lower-income neighborhood trying to make a comeback.
Leaders of a collegiate contest for real estate development elected the struggling west-side shopping center as a case study. The winning entry suggesting wiping the slate clean.
This Lafayette Road eatery is more than your standard taco and burrito strip-center restaurant.
African-Caribbean Cuisine restaurant sets up shop in International Marketplace district.
A years-long fight between Marion County and mall developer Simon Property Group Inc. has moved to the Indiana Tax Court as a judge weighs vastly different estimates of the values of Lafayette Square Mall and Washington Square Mall.
Marion County is granting Simon Property Group Inc. a $2.4 million refund, after a tax review board cut the value of Lafayette Square Mall and Washington Square Mall roughly in half.
The Big Car arts collective is shifting into a higher gear, with a budget this year of $250,000, a new westside events hub, and a paid staff that no longer fits into a sedan. Executive Director Jim Walker provides a front-seat view.
America’s Incredible Pizza Co. shut down on Sunday, leaving a 75,000-square-foot vacancy in the struggling shopping center on Indianapolis’ west side.
Local police were called to two Indianapolis malls to control crowds waiting to purchase the newest generation of Air Jordan basketball shoe. Similar incidents have been reported nationwide.
Mary Chalmers, a neighborhood liaison for the city, will leave that post to lead the effort to improve the area near 38th Street and Lafayette Road.
Second in a month-long series of numeric restaurant reviews. This week: 3 in 1 Restaurant on the west side.